We have been busy getting our planting beds ready to receive our sacred seeds.
We invite you Saturday, April 12th for a day of gathering in community, cleansing our hands in the soil, and seeding our prayers for liberation and abundance.
Plants to the People Farm is where we grow herbs for our Plants to the People distribution, our herbal remedies and where we host in person knowledge shares.
Herban Cura: Plants to the People Farm, a school and sanctuary dedicated to supporting our community in deepening its relationship with plants and the land. At Herban Cura, we focus on cultivating medicinal herbs, diasporic and native ancestral seeds, fruit and nut trees, and wetland restoration. By learning and sharing skills, we believe we strengthen our community ties and build climate resiliency.
If you are interested in attending please RSVP below. We look forward to having you on the land!